School Lunch

School Menu - Please note that we are not offering the 'Pasta Bowl Option', instead we shall be offering our pupils the option of having a Jacket Potato. 

Our lunchtimes are from 11.55am until 1pm for Infants Classes and 12pm until 1pm for Junior classes, with the exception of Reception class who have a slightly earlier lunchtime from 11.45am in the first couple of terms as they get used to their new routine and fulltime education.

The school has its very own kitchen and excellent staff who offer a variety of exciting menus throughout the year. The children eat in the dining hall and are supervised by our fantastic team of midday supervisors.

Nursery children are also encouraged to try a school dinner. If you would like your child to receive one then please let Mrs Goodwin know. Nursery children will eat in the lunch room within the nursery classroom. 

Dinners are cooked on site by Mrs Exton and assistant Mrs Bothamley and Miss Hurst. Dinner monies should be paid in full at the start of each school week through our online payment system ParentPay (£2.70 per day).

If you think your child qualifies for Free School meals please contact the office who can help you apply or click on the link here and complete the quick form yourself. Apply for Free School Meals Here.

The pupils are supervised at lunchtimes by the following staff: Miss Chadwick (Senior Midday Supervisor), Miss Hallam, Mrs Aitkin, Miss Sutcliffe, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Thompson and Ms Jones. They plan lots of exciting games for the children to play and have lots of different toys for the children too.

Pupils bringing a packed lunch should bring it in a lunch box with their name on. We ask parents not to send fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate as we encourage healthy eating. So that you can monitor what your child is eating we ask all children to take home any remains of their lunch.

We are a NUT FREE school, we have pupils and staff in school with severe allergies to nuts of any type. Please, please DO NOT send any food to school with  your child, as a snack or in lunch boxes that contain nuts.

Please note that as from September 2014, all Infant children (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) will receive a free school lunch. We strongly advise that your child eats a school meal rather than a packed lunch as these are nutritionally balance and children benefit from a lovely warm meal during the middle of the school day.


Derbyshire County Council 

  • menus comply with the Government nutritional standards

  • all recipes are low in sugar and fat

  • daily servings of vegetables, salad and fresh fruit

  • oven baking of dishes in preference to frying

  • home-cooked dishes with quality ingredients, that are locally sourced where possible

  • all ingredients are checked for unnecessary additives and allergens

  • bread, salad and fruit are served as an accompaniment to all the meals

  • special medically referred diets can usually be catered for.

Payment for primary school meals can be made via our online payment system ParentPay. Contact the school office for more information.