Homework and Spellings
Please click on the links for further information. If you have any questions regarding your child's homework or spellings, please speak to us.
Homework Policy - Whole School
Your child should always have reading books in their book bag.
There will be the Reading Practice Book, a Colour Book and a School Library Book. The Reading Practice Book and the Colour Book have been carefully matched to your child's reading ability. The Library book will be a book that you can share with your child and develop their interests and understanding.
Please listen to your child read at home as much as possible. This doesn't always have to be books from school . Reading any type of texts such as magazines, comics, menus, etc. is just as valuable.
If you listen to your child read their reading book, please sign and date their reading diary so that we know that the book has been read. Feel free to make a comment to as we love reading these!
All children will read their Reading Practice, as part of a group, three times a week. When this book is sent home to you, your child should be reading it fluently and confidently. They should be using their readers voice. (This means they should be reading out loud as if they were telling the story to an audience!) Your child should also be able to talk about the vocabulary and explain what has happened in the book.
The Colour Book will be new to them. However, it will only contain words that they have the knowledge and skill to work out using their phonic skills should they need to. They may need to read it once to you before they are able to read it with complete independence.
Children will also be heard read at other times in the week and this will be logged in the reading diary. Some children will be heard daily.
Maths homework will be given out every Monday and should be returned the following Monday. The work will be linked to something the children have been learning in class and may also be differentiated to suit each child's ability.
Each week your child will have spellings to learn. Please help your child to learn their weekly spellings, these will be tested each Friday and new words will be given.
Please click below if you would like to see the Y2 spellings.
Name | |
Y2 Autumn 1 Group 1 Spellings.docx | Download |
Y2 Autumn 1 Group 2 Spellings.docx | Download |
Y2 Autumn 2 Group 1 Spellings.docx | Download |
Y2 Autumn 2 Group 2 Spellings.docx | Download |
Y2 Spring 1 Group 1 Spellings.docx | Download |
Y2 Spring 1 Group 2 Spellings.docx | Download |
Y2 Spring 2 Group 1 Spellings.docx | Download |
Y2 Summer 1 Group 1 Spellings.docx | Download |
Y2 Summer 2 Group 1 Spellings.docx | Download |
Spelling Bee
Autumn 2