Abercrombie School Council

We have a very active school council here at Abercrombie Primary School. They all really want to make a difference and help and support the children in their classes as well as the whole school.

The School Council Members this year are…

Year 1 - Edie and Dexter Year 2 - Isaac and Edie Year 3 - Jenson and Daisy
Year 4 - Olivia and Alex Year 5 - Talhah, Annalise and Nina Year 6 - Harry and Mollie

School Council meetings are held at least every half term and they identify different things they would like to do to for their constituents.

All councillors decided on a mission statement then agreed to terms and conditions too.

Our Chairperson is Harry from Year 6 and our Vice Chairperson is Mollie from Year 6. These children were elected through a vote.


Abercrombie Primary School

School Council Mission Statement

* We will work hard to make everyone at Abercrombie feel happy and cared for.

* We will help the teachers to do the best job they can to get everyone learning and having fun.

* We will help to improve the heath of everyone at Abercrombie.

* We will improve break time and make changes to the playground areas around school.


Abercrombie School Council

Terms and Conditions

1. The name of the organisation will be called:-

          The Abercrombie School Council

2. The objectives of our School Council are:-

          a) to represent the children’s’ views on school issues.

          b) to suggest ideas for improvements for all our children to enjoy.

          c) to engage in activities which support the school and improve the education of all the children.

3. The council will be made up of representatives from Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 and Year 6.

4. Each year group will be represented by 1 boy and 1 girl chosen by their class.

5. The management of the school council will consist of:-

          a) a chairperson

          b) a vice chairperson

6. The members of the management are elected at the Annual General Meeting.

7. All children are elected on to the council for a period of one year.

          Retiring Council members will not be re-elected.

9. Council Meetings will be held at least once every school term.

10. The Head teacher shall have the ultimate decision on all matters.



Here are some of the things the School Council have organised and successfully implemented in school.

Christmas Tree Competition

Abercrombie were invited to put a Christmas Tree up at the lovely church on Chesterfield Road, called Christ Church. The School Council needed to think about what they wanted the tree to look like and how to decorate it. 

Competition Time - The School Council decided to have a competition to design the decorations they would like to see on the Abercrombie Christmas Tree.

The winning entry was for everyone to design a Christmas jumper.



Questionnaire to Children About Clubs After School.

The School Council are keen to set up an Abercrombie Football Club. They would also like to look at how other clubs can be organised at playtimes (E.g. Pokémon Trainers Club) and after school clubs. 

Mr Himsworth, our Sport’s Leader, was invited to attend a meeting with us and discuss how we can go about setting up a football team. The School Council were also interested in encouraging more children to be active with different sports like Basketball.

The school Council wanted to find out whether any other sports clubs could take place, at the moment we offer Samba Sports on a Friday.

Mr Himsworth said he was happy to organise clubs, but we had to get quite a few people to join them or it wasn’t possible to pay for a coach. This is why they have stopped being offered over the years. 

It was decided that the School Council would send out a survey to find out how many children would be interested.

The School Council suggested a list of other sport’s clubs they would like to suggest to the children on the survey sheet as well.

Please click here to see our survey results.


Setting Up a School Football Team

Mr Himsworth explained that we would need to find out initially who was interested in being part of the football team.

He explained that we could not join a league this school year because we were too late to do so but that he could organise some friendly matches for the Abercrombie Team to take part in.

He also explained that we would need to have an outside trainer who trained the football team and improved their skills.

Mr Himsworth explained that this would have a financial cost. We need to think about how we will meet this cost. Suggestions were made as to whether we could as the FOA to subsidise the cost, whether school might be able to put towards it, whether we could ask parents to pay just £1 or £2 per week.

Ameira suggested that at the friendly matches, we might be able to sell drinks and biscuits to raise a little bit of money to put towards it.

Mr Himsworth said that there was already a team kit and it would be ready to use.

Mr Himsworth suggested that matches would just be for Y5 and Y6, but the School Council would like to organise friendly games for Y3 and Y4 child too.

They would also like to have Y3 and Y4 matches in school against one another.


Visit to the Town Hall

On Friday 17th March, the School Council visited the Town Hall. First, they spent some time in the Council Chambers to understand how the Chesterfield Town Councillors work on behalf of Chesterfield people. Councillor Jill Marion -Brunt explained her role and told us about a project she had been working on recently to ensure all areas of Chesterfield have access to lovely park areas.

Next, we went to see the Lord and Lady Mayoress. It was wonderful to meet them and see the contents of their beautiful council rooms.


Easter Competition

The School Council held another competition, this time is was to make an Easter Bonnet/Hat or Decorate a Hard Boiled Egg. The gave everyone who entered a little treat for taking part and then gave a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize to each class. To make if fair the School Council said they would not judge their own class.

We had lots of fantastic entries, what do you think?


Planting Bulbs and Sowing Seeds in the Flower Bed at the Front of School

We have been outside on the front, we have planted wildflower seeds and flower bombs. We hope these will grow for the Summer to attract butterflies, bees and other insects. 

We will keep you updated with photos. The seeds have now started to develop and grow.



Organising our 150th Abercrombie School Birthday Celebrations