School Attendance


At Abercrombie Primary School and Nursery we believe that in order to facilitate teaching and learning, good attendance is essential. Pupils cannot achieve their full potential if they do not regularly attend school.


Parents should report their child's absence by ringing the school office, option 1 and leaving a voice mail before 9.00am on every day of absence.

Our Attendance Policy sets out what is expected so that this may be achieved.


Parents/Carers Should:

* Make sure that their child attends school everyday.

* Make sure that their child arrives on time and ready for the school day. (Nursery 8:40am, Rec-Y6 8.45am).

* Make sure that their child is in correct school uniform.  

* Inform the school if you are having difficulty with getting your child to school and/or on time; so we can offer help and support.

Not taking holidays during term-time.                   Did you know?

There are 190 days in a school year which leaves 175 days to spend on family time, appointments and other things.

* Arrange medical appointments for their child outside of the school day.

* Make sure that they inform school if their child is moving to another school.

* Contact the school office daily whenever their child is unable to attend for any reason. (call school, select option 1 and leave a voice message)



School Will:

* Ensure the Attendance Policy is implemented fairly and consistently.

* Model good attendance behaviour.

* Keep and mark registers accurately.

* Contact the parent of any child who has not reported their child’s absence on the first day that they do not attend school.

* Inform parents/carers raising awareness if their child's attendance falls below 96%.

Inform parents/carers of concerns to constant lateness marks in the register.

* Call an 'Attendance Panel Meeting' parents/carers when a pupils attendance is a cause for concern.       Attendance Panels

Meetings with parents are called to enlist their support in strategies to improve the attendance of poor attenders.

* Notify the Local Authority (LA) of pupils who have poor attendance, leave school to be educated at home, go missing, or are excluded.

* Notify the LA and/or the Department for Children, Families and Schools (DCFS) of absence figures for the school and, where necessary, individual pupils.


Attendance Rewards:

* Whole class attendance is celebrated in ‘Star Assembly’ every week.

* Termly certificates will be awarded to pupils who have achieved 100% attendance.

* Attendance stickers are awarded to pupils with attendance above 96% each half term.

* An end of year award will be presented to pupils who have achieved 100% all year in our end of year ‘Awards Assembly’.