1. The name of the school is Abercrombie Community Primary School.
  2. The school is a Community school.
  3. The name of the governing body is "The governing body of Abercrombie Community Primary School".
  4. The governing body shall consist of:-

(a) 4 Parent Governors:

(b) 1 LA governors:

(c) 1 Staff governors:

(d) 1 Head Teacher

(e) 8 Co-opted governors:

(f) 2 Associate Members

  1. Total number of governors is 15.
  2. The term of office of all governors is 4 years.
  3. This Instrument of Government comes into effect on18th June2018 replacing the Instrument of Government made on 18th November 2013.
  4. This Instrument was made by order of Derbyshire Local Authority on 18 June 2018.
  5. A copy of the Instrument of Government must be supplied to every member of the governing body (and the Head teacher if not a governor).   



APPOINTMENT OF GOVERNORS – Correct as of 1st September 2024 

School – Abercrombie Primary School & Nursery, Higher Albert Street, Chesterfield. Derbyshire. S41 7QE 

01246 232425 


Name of Governor 

Date Appointed 

Appointment Expiry Date 


Head Teacher 

Tracy Gannon 

September 2013 


Staff Governor (1) 

Karen Dobson 

1st November 2021 

31st October 2025 

Local Authority Governor (1) 

Glynn Carter 

16th March 2021 

15th March 2025 

Co Opted Governors (8) 

Jill Brunt 

1st November 2021 

31st October 2025 

Oluseyi Campbell 

30th November 2021 

29th November 2025 

Ben Hanson 

5th July 2022 

4th July 2026 













Parent Governor (4) 

Ben Norman 

17th June 2024 

16th June 2028 

Sarah Hanson 

6th October 2023 

5th October 2027 

Antonia Kelly 

2nd October 2024 

1st October 2028 

Lauren Wallace 

2nd October 2024 

1st October 2028 

Associate Members (1) 






Abercrombie Committee Framework 



Full Governing Body 


Mrs T Gannon 

Mrs J Brunt 

Mr G Carter 


Mrs K Dobson 

Mr B Hanson 


Mrs L Wallace 

Mr B Norman 

Mrs S Hanson 

 Mrs A Kelly  

Mr O Campbell 





Performance / Curriculum & 




Mrs T Gannon 

Mrs A Kelly 

Mr G Carter 

Mrs L Wallace 

Mr O Campbell 

Mrs S Hanson 


Mrs T Gannon 

Mrs K Dobson 

Mr G Carter 




1st Committee 

Vice Chair 

Mr Hanson 


Mrs J Brunt 


Mrs A Kelly 



2nd Committee 


Mr G Carter 


Mr B Norman 


Mrs L Wallace 


H/T Performance Management 

Mrs J Brunt 

Mr B Hanson 

Mr G Carter 



Mr B Hanson 

Mrs L Johnson 



Mrs A Kelly 

Mrs R Freeston 







Mr O Campbel


Mrs. J Brunt

Mrs L Johnson 


Mrs. S Roberts


Mrs Dobson






Community Links 

All Governors 


Health & Safety 

Mr G Carter 

Mrs A Kelly 

Ms J Mellors 



Safeguarding/Looked After 

Mrs T Gannon 

Mr B Hanson 

Mrs S Hanson 




Mrs L Wallace                           Mrs J Brunt

Miss Hambidge



Pupil Premium / Catch-Up 

Mr B Norman                           Mrs K Dobson                  


Sports Premium 

Mr G Carter 

Mr A Himsworth 


Anti-Bullying / PHSE 

Mr B Hanson 

Mrs K Dobson 


Statutory Policies/Web Site 

Mr G Carter 

Ms J Mellors 



Mrs T Gannon 

Ms J Mellors 

Mr G Carter 

Mrs J Brunt