Friends of Abercrombie (F.o.A)
The school has an active Friends of Abercrombie Association which organises several events each term to raise money to enhance the learning experience at Abercrombie.
We meet half termly in the staffroom. We are always looking for new members. Even if you are unable to attend meetings, help on the day of events is most welcome. If you would like to join this very productive group or have any ideas, suggestions or comments, please come along to any meeting as advertised on the school calendar, school app messaging service or alternatively see Mrs Dobson or Mrs McDermott.
FoA have recently purchased laptops for children to borrow during the COVID Pandemic lockdown when pupils were not in school. This has enabled children to stay online and access live lesson along with the class friends. It will help children stop falling behind due to lack on digital resources in their home.
We have also helped purchased MUGA Netting to place over the top of the MUGA court. This will save the school hundreds of pounds each year from lost football, tennis balls etc and having to purchase new ones each term.
We are looking to support the school in purchasing:
- An Outdoor Trim-Trail
- EYFS Climbing Frame
- £1000 for Non-Fiction Books