Contact Details


We are a very caring and friendly school where each child is valued and treated as an individual.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Abercrombie Primary School

Higher Albert Street



S41 7QE

Click on the car for Google Map and get directions.



Telephone: 01246 232425


You can also contact school by completing and submitting the 'Contact Form' below.


Enquiries can be made to:

Mrs L Wright (School Business Manager) - Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday AM

Ms J Mellors (School Business Manager) - Wednesday / Thursday / Friday AM

Mrs D McDermott (School Business Assistant)


Other Key Contacts

Please use any form of contact mentioned above, complete and submit the form below or email directly. 


Headteacher - Mrs Tracy Gannon -


SENCo - Miss Mary Hambidge -


Chair of Governors - Mr Glynn Carter - Contactable through the Clerk to Governors Ms Jenny Mellors:

Contact Form