Homework and Spellings

Please click on the links for further information. If you have any questions regarding your child's homework or spellings, please speak to Mrs Freeston or Mrs Gratton.


Spellings - Group 1

Spelling Bee - Group 1

Spellings - Group 2

Spelling Bee - Group 2


Homework and Spellings - Whole School Policy

Year 6 Homework Guidance 



Your child should always have a reading book in his/her book bag. Please listen to your child read at home as much as possible. This doesn't always have to be their school reading book. Reading any type of texts such as magazines, comics, menus, street signs etc. is just as valuable. Children need to read for extended periods to build their stamina, around 20 minutes where possible.

If you listen to your child read his/her school reading book, please make a comment (positive if possible) in their reading diary. Year six children can also complete their reading diary entries themselves.


English and Maths

English and maths homework will be given out on a weekly basis. It will be given to the children on a Thursday and will need to be handed in on a Wednesday. These tasks will match what has been taught that week in school to enable to children to apply what they have learnt. If your child is not fluent with their times tables, they will receive different activities to support them in this area. Homework should take the children less than an hour to complete and we do ask them to stay in during a break time, in a supportive environment, to complete it if it is not handed in.  We appreciate that some homework can be tricky in year six so if your child is struggling, please let a member of the team know; we are always happy to help in school.



Each week your child will have spellings to learn. Please help your child to learn their weekly spellings.  Pupils will have extra copies of their spellings (either weekly or termly - depending on the group they are in) and they can use these to help learn for their tests.  Pupils will also receive a spelling word list with Y3/4 and Y5/6 Statutory words on. Please help your child learn to spell these as well.  We will be having spelling lessons in school to support pupils with learning spelling rules and patterns.