Early Years Foundation Stage



EYFS Manager Mrs Roberts


The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) covers the first years of your child's development, from birth to the end of their first year in school. The emphasis is on learning through play, in a safe and secure environment.

At Abercrombie we work together to plan and offer interesting and fun activities for the children. The staff follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and every child is given the support and opportunity to learn and develop at their own pace.

Abercrombie Nursery children are very much a part of our school community. They sometimes take part in school assemblies and always participate in concerts. Through the curriculum they learn to work together, share ideas, equipment and to build good relationships with other children and adults.

Our Reception class is a mixture of children who have come from our nursery and from other local nursery providers. As with Nursery, the children in Reception are very much a part of our school community. They participate in some assemblies from September and we gradually increase this until they are fully involved in whole school events such as assemblies and special event days. They perform in school concerts and have their first experience of a school trip this year!

Our Early Years staff work together as one big team.  We have our own separate classrooms but we share our outdoor learning area.  Staff plan topics and activities together to ensure consistency in teaching and challenge and opportunities for the children.

At Abercrombie we enjoy working in partnership with parents to ensure the best education for each child in our care. We use Tapestry, a secure online learning journal, to share the children's achievements with parents and we encourage parents to also upload photographs and videos of their child. We run weekly 'Stay and Read' sessions in Reception and regular 'stay and play' sessions in Nursery and send home weekly newsletters so you know what we are learning about in class.

We operate an open door policy and encourage parents to 'drop in' and ask any questions they may have or if they need to, just for a chat.



More Information about the Early Years Foundation Stage

 Development Matters - Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage 2023.pdfDownload
 Early Years Foundation Stage Profile handbook.pdfDownload
 Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage for group and school providers.pdfDownload
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