Rocks and Soils


We were very excited to welcome a special guest to the Year 3 classroom.

We have been learning all about rocks, fossils and soils in our science topic this term and it just so happens that Mrs Peace (one of our parents) is a real expert on this subject and works for a quarrying company, recreating landscapes after the ground has been dug up by quarrying.

She taught us all about layers of the soil, from top soil, subsoil down to the material being quarried in the bedrock.

She set up a fantastic activity, where children could re-enact the process of digging deep into the ground and then showed us how the earth is protected and replaced when work is complete.

Thanks so much for coming in- the children loved the session and learnt so much!



Year 3 pupils had a go at redesigning a restored quarry site as part of our ‘Rocks and Soils’ topic. Children had to consider the new uses for the site and         how it could work for nature as well as the community.

Mrs Peace took the designs away to her quarrying company and this week, these children were judged to be the winners!

Well done everyone for taking part!