Nursery Details

Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) covers the first years of your child's development, from birth to the end of their first year in school. The emphasis is on learning through play, in a safe and secure environment.
At Abercrombie we work together to plan and offer interesting and fun activities for the children. The staff follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and every child is given the support and opportunity to learn and develop at their own pace.
Abercrombie Nursery children are very much a part of our school community. They sometimes take part in school assemblies and always participate in concerts. Through the curriculum they learn to work together, share ideas, equipment and to build good relationships with other children and adults.


Morning Routine - 8.40am - 9.30am

Children will come into Nursery and will have a peg with their name on in the cloakroom.  They will be encouraged to hang their coat up independently and put it on their peg. They then will need to find their name on and hang it on the tree for self-registration.  Children will then wash their hands. 

Children will then have some choosing time before being called on the carpet to all sit down together to take part in counting, days of the week song and welcoming children to Nursery for the day. 

Although we encourage children to come into Nursery independently, we do understand if they need a little support from their grown up. 

Children will then take part in a brief phonics session, followed by magic breakfast. 


Afternoon Routine- 12:10pm-12:20pm

Each afternoon, your child will be collected from the Nursery entrance by a member of staff. Children will have a peg with their name on in the cloakroom. Children will be encouraged to hang their coat up independently and wash their hands. They then need to find their name and match it with their photograph for self-registration. 

Children will be able to have some outdoor provision time. 

The children will then all sit down together at the carpet to take part in counting, days of the week song and topic-based circle time.


Lending Library

Children will be able to choose a book from our Nursery Library as much as they like. Please use the folder provided to sign out the book your child has taken. Once your child has returned it please sign back in the book. This helps us ensure all books have been returned allowing more children to enjoy a variety of books. 


Outdoor Adventures
The Nursery children had a fantastic opportunity at accessing Forest Schools last year with Mr Himsworth, unfortunately we will not be able to carry out official ‘Forest Schools’ this year however we will be delivering ‘Outdoor Adventures. This will take place on Tuesday mornings; we will inform you of a start date once children are settled and are familiar with Nursery routines and staff. This will be communicated to you via Tapestry, and I will also send out a letter a couple of weeks before the sessions.
The children will need to come to school that day dressed in old clothing (they will get very wet and muddy!), coats and other suitable clothes/waterproofs, hats, and gloves. If the weather is sunny, please send sun hats and make sure your child has sun cream on before they come to school. If your child is going home at 11:40am following ‘Outdoor Adventures’ they can go home in the same clothing if you wish, however if your child stays for lunch or for the afternoon session, they will require a change of clothes/shoes in their bag. ‘Outdoor Adventures’ for Nursery children take place on school site. I am sure the children will have lots of fun!



All children attending Abercrombie Nursery and those children in the Reception Class have a personal online Learning Journey which records photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage, to build up a record of your child’s experiences during their time with us. 

We use Tapestry; a system, which is hosted in the UK on secure servers. You will have secure access (via email address and password) to your child’s Learning Journey and, in addition to viewing our contributions, we encourage you to add to it by uploading photos and comments or commenting on observations made by us.  The children love to be able to look at their photos at home with you and to tell you about their activities. Check out the link on the 'websites for learning' page.